Sunday, December 29, 2019

Internet and Culture Essay - 1853 Words

Internet and Culture Imagine a world where geographic separation does not inhibit the social or economic mobility of people. A place where cement roads are obsolete and unnecessary and the information super highway is the only road you need to know how to navigate. Information technology becomes the glue and nails that binds our (global) society together. Development becomes a matter of installing fiber-optic wiring, cellular towers and satellite launching. World Bank projects change from road building to wire laying. Now imagine a world where there is no electricity, telephones, computers, roads or other mediums of transportation other than legs and feet. Communication exists on a face-to-face level and nothing more. An individuals’†¦show more content†¦Within first-world nations, the change has been happening slowly over many decades. The developed institutions within these nations have been able to modify their own methods in order to be in congruence with the new world of networks. Ho wever, undeveloped nations (and especially rural parts of these nations) have not been making the slow transformation towards the soon-to-be technologically dependent network society. Therefore, conversion towards the network society is easily seen. The questions that remain to be answered are, can these people-previously unexposed to high technology-adjust to the dramatic changes in economic and social organization. And furthermore, is it feasible and beneficial to take away the focus from physical infrastructure development (roads, buildings, telephone wires) and implement technological infrastructure? The fact is the world is trying to move past the restraints that create inefficient business and communication. Information technology provides a means to move beyond the slow and financially consumptive methods of doing business. The network society is the framework in which these practices can be implemented. As time goes by, technology is becoming more and more a fundamental component of living in this world. Unless a given society, community or business stays on the forefront of technological innovation, it will be left behind, only to grow further andShow MoreRelatedThe Culture Of The Internet Essay985 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet, strictly speaking, is the infrastructure that exists between computers. Claiming to have a relationship with it because of the friends and websites and services it leads to is as absurd as claiming to have a relationship with roads because of where they go. So really when I say that I have a relationship with the internet, what I’m talkin g about is the culture of the internet. Technically I mean the culture of the world wide web, but that sounds dumb. So when I talk about the internetRead MoreThe Internet As A Participatory Culture921 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet is populated by over 2 billion users across the globe (Ross, 2013, p. 10). 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

William Shakespeares Othello - 629 Words

One of the most influential characteristics of human beings is the necessity to survive. In Shakespeare’s play, Othello survival is taken to the extreme by the character, Iago. Iago’s selfishness is what ultimately drives him to manipulate the people around him. Initially Iago manipulates a character by the name of Roderigo. Roderigo is a Venetian gentleman that is in love with the wife of Othello, Desdemona and will do whatever it takes to win her over from Othello. Roderigo who is oblivious to the idea and fact that Iago is manipulating him to achieve his goal of getting revenge against Othello. Iago’s first implication of manipulation occurs when he advises Roderigo to go make money. Iago states Thou art sure of me. Go make money. I have told thee often, and I re-tell thee again and again, I hate the Moor. My cause is hearted: thine hath no less reason. Let us be conjunctive in our revenge against him (1.3.358-360). In this quote, Iago is constantly urging Roderigo to side with him in bringing down their common enemy, Othello. He is stating that his cause is sincere and heart-felt towards helping him win Desdemona. He is also telling Roderigo to literally go out and make money, and in exchange hell have Desdemona under his arm because Iago tells him that Desdemona loves fancy things, and that the only reason she is with Othello is because he can buy these things for her. Secondly Iago convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio, a man who Iago tells him is sleeping withShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Othello997 Words   |  4 Pagesa person chooses to act around a certain group of people can be out of courteousness or his or her bad nature. William Shakespeare does not only shed light towards this topic but allows his audience to distinguish appearance versus reality. Shakespeares Othello and sonnets 93 and 138 demonstrate being who you are in reality triumphs over appearance and what you seem to be. In Othello, Shakespeare illustrates the importance reality takes place in identifying a persons true character as early asRead More William Shakespeares Othello1440 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Othello A significant moment in Othello demonstrates the theme of binaries questioned in many of Shakespeares works. Addressing the Duke and senators, Othello says: Let her have your voice. Vouch with me heaven, I therefore beg it not To please the palate of my appetite, Nor to comply with heat--the young affects In me defunct--and proper satisfaction, But to be free and bounteous to her mind; And heaven defend your good souls that you think I will your seriousRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Othello1173 Words   |  5 Pages Othello is set in a world and focuses on the passions and personalities of its major figures. (Thomas). Othello is a tragedy by William Shakespeare. The work revolves around four central characters: Othello, Othellos wife Desdemona, his lieutenant Cassio and advisor Iago. The play appeared in seven editors between 1622 and 1705. The themes of the story are racism, love, jealousy, and betrayal. Othello is a black soldier who is accused of stealing his wife Desdemona. Although Desdemonas fatherRead MoreEssay on William Shakespeares Othello574 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Othello The play Othello was said to have been written in 1603/4, but no one really knows. It was first performed in front of king James I. It was very original because it had a black tragic hero and at that time it was very rare too see a black character let alone a main one. The key themes are the same in most of Shakespeares plays (love, jealousy, appearance and reality, dark and light. The main theme is Othellos jealousy, which results inRead More William Shakespeares Othello Essay2198 Words   |  9 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Othello Every artist needs a subject to draw inspiration from—an idea to develop into a masterpiece. Leonardo da Vinci had Madame Lisa to portray in paint. The Beach Boys had Rhonda to render in rhyme. And William Shakespeare had one of one hundred stories written by Giraldi Cinthio to help him create his masterpiece, Othello. Each artist creates his own interpretation from his source. Shakespeare transformed the core of Cinthio’s story into a tragedy. A tragedy isRead More Othello as the Greater Evil in William Shakespeare’s Othello1842 Words   |  8 PagesOthello as the Greater Evil in William Shakespeare’s Othello What makes one person to be considered evil, while another is considered righteous? The character Iago, in William Shakespeare’s Othello, could be considered evil because of his plot against Cassio and Othello. Othello, could be considered righteous, because he believes his wife has been unfaithful. The line between these two labels, evil or righteous, is thin. Ultimately, actions speak louder than words. Iago is evil in his actionsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Othello827 Words   |  3 Pagestragedies. One of the tragedies was the play Othello. The two characters that stuck out the most were Othello, the moor, and his beautiful wife Desdemona. The couple had certain mishaps but most readers did not expect a melodramatic plot twist. Othello had many downfalls, including insecurity. In the play Othello, the lack of communication between Desdemona and Othello was the cause for their deaths. Iago had major hatred toward Othello because Othello did not employ him as his lieutenant. Iago knewRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Othello2192 Words   |  9 PagesOthello is commonly referred to as just Othello but the full name of the play is The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice. The tragedy of Othello is concise with Shakespeare’s other more popular works. Upon dissecting the play the most recognizable themes are the play’s complex and prevalent ambivalences of love and hate, jealousy, and perniciousness. Title and playwright â€Å"The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice is believed to have been based primarily on the Italian short story Un CapitanoRead More Racism in William Shakespeares Othello Essay1059 Words   |  5 PagesRacism in William Shakespeares Othello The play, Othello, is certainly, in part, the tragedy of racism. Examples of racism are common throughout the dialog. This racism is directed toward Othello, a brave soldier from Africa and currently supreme commander of the Venetian army. Nearly every character uses a racial slur to insult Othello at one point in the play. Even Emilia sinks to the level of insulting Othello based on the color of his skin. The character that most commonly makes racistRead More Iago in William Shakespeares Othello Essay1229 Words   |  5 PagesIago in William Shakespeares Othello William Shakespeare, born: 1564 died: 1616, is considered one of the greatest writers who has ever lived. He had a unique way of putting things into words. All of his plays, sonnets, and poems have gotten great recognition. But when Shakespeare wrote Othello he created one of the most controversial villains of all times; Iago. He is best described as disturbing, ruthless, and amoral. No other character can even come close to his evil (Iago: The 1). Iago

Friday, December 13, 2019

Essay on Film, “A Bronx Tale” Free Essays

Amy Lau Expository Essay – â€Å"A Bronx Tale† Topic: â€Å"The choices that you make will shape your life forever† The film, set in New York City, in the 1960s, A Bronx Tale, Lorenzo (played by Robert De Niro) has a son, Calogero, whom we see throughout the film as one who made numerous decisions throughout his life, which shaped his future. One of those things was what Calogero did in the early stages of the film. At nine years old, he sat on the steps as he witnessed Sonny, a gangster, out of defense for a friend, shoot and kill someone seemingly competing with someone else over a parking spot. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on Film, â€Å"A Bronx Tale† or any similar topic only for you Order Now When Calogero was requested by NYPD detectives to identify the murderer by facial recognition, he kept quiet about the truth. As a result, Sonny welcomed him into his inner group of followers and compelled everyone he knew to please Calogero. Sonny’s men also offered Lorenzo a job to make a lot more money than he already does, but Lorenzo, preferring a law-abiding life, declined the offer. Lorenzo hated Sonny’s influence on his son (â€Å"You don’t understand: It’s not what you say, it’s what he sees, the clothes, the cars, the money, it’s everything. He tried to throw away his baseball cards because he said Mickey Mantle will never pay the rent†). When Lorenzo found out about the money that Calogero has gained from working for Sonny, he took his son’s money and returned them to Sonny at the bar and warns him to keep away from his son, which Sonny responded to Lorenzo, â€Å"I treat him like he’s my son† The turns of events that were caused by Calogero refusing to rat on Sonny in the beginning seemed to have a lasting effect. Eight years later, Calogero became close friends with Sonny and continued to regularly visit him without his father’s knowledge. He also remained part of a gang of local Italian boys he grew up with, which Sonny advised against. He then meets Jane Williams, an African American girl and the two arranged a date despite severe tension between the Blacks and the Italians, especially amongst his friends. The friends he chose also shaped his future. One night in provoked retaliation, Calogero’s friends made a plan to strike at an earlier attack back at the African Americans using molotov cocktails. They compelled Calogero to come with them in a journey to the area of the African Americans, but along the way, Sonny intervenes and orders Calogero out of the car. Calogero catches up with Jane and the two shared an intimate moment. The conversation then leads Calogero to remember of a planned attack in the town where the Blacks live, and he realises that Jane’s brother is in danger. He and Jane rush to stop them, and to her brother’s aid. Then we see Calogero’s friends attack a shop, owned by an African American, and set the shop on fire. Then the shopkeeper, taking the unexploded homemade bomb, which was thrown at him, threw it back at the boys’ car, igniting the rest of the explosives in it. Calogero and Jane arrive at the ruins of the exploded car to discover that all his friends have died as a result of their attack. In mixed feelings of grief and relief, Calogero rushes back to Sonny to thank him for saving his life. Calogero knowing Sonny certainly has its goodness. Page 1/2 Then in a crowded bar upon arrival, he sees Sonny, and also someone coming up behind Sonny with a gun. A shot is fired a Sonny falls to the floor. The unnamed assassin is the son of the man killed by Sonny eight years ago. It seemed Sonny also made a decision eight years ago which shaped his life, which in turn ended in a tragedy. When Lorenzo arrives at the end of the memorial service held for Sonny, to pay his respects to him, he says that he had never hated Sonny, but merely resented him for making Calogero grow up so quickly. In conclusion, the viewers could interpret that the fact that Calogero did not tell the NYPD detectives that Sonny was the murderer definitely has its benefits, like the fact that it has protected him from a possible retaliation that would have resulted from Sonny’s men had he chose to reveal Sonny to detectives as the murderer. And because of this, he won over friends in Sonny and his inner circle of followers, and has remained close throughout. Also, Calogero seemed positively influenced by Sonny as a result of their friendship. He says in the end: â€Å"I learned to give love and get love unconditionally. You just have to accept people for what they are. And I learned the greatest gift of all: the saddest thing in life is wasted talent. The choices that you make will shape your life forever. You can ask anybody from my neighborhood, and they’ll just tell you, this is just another Bronx tale†. Page 2/2 How to cite Essay on Film, â€Å"A Bronx Tale†, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Brand Strategy of Enalio

Question: Discuss about the Brand Strategy of Enalio. Answer: Product Strategy It is the first time that the company is entering the UK market. Therefore, the product is one of the most important elements of the entire marketing mix. Enalio has been able to develop the brand recognition through product differentiation. It is recommended that the company must continue to focus on its product differentiation. It would help the company to generate a niche in the UK market. The product differentiation strategy would also help the company to fight the existing competition in the market. It is important to mention that the UK market can be tough market. There are number of domestic and international players that operate in the market (Weathers, 2013). Enalio would have to tackle the strategies of both local and international brands. It could be done with a strong focus on product differentiation. The company has been able to launch the customize t-shirts that are appreciated in the market. The product differentiation strategy would help the company to develop a PULL marketing strategy. With this, PULL marketing strategy, the company would be able to create a buzzword in UK market. It would help the company to attract UK customers. It is recommended that the product of the company should be highly durable in nature. The quality of the t-shirts should not deteriorate after the first wash. The end customers should be able to get the value of their money. The customers in UK market would be ready to switch to Enalio only when they get the value for their money. Pricing Strategy It would correct to say that the pricing strategy would be the ley for Enalio to operate and expand in the UK market. There are various ways or methods to follow the pricing strategy. The companies can use the cost plus pricing strategy, market pricing strategy or price skimming. It is recommended that Enalio should be a price taker in the market. With this marketing strategy, Enalio would accept the existing market pricing. The UK market is a highly competitive market and there are lots of companies in the same business (Ewing, 2012). The established businesses in the market already have a set of loyal customer base. The customers of existing businesses would not switch to Enalio unless and until they get a good reason to switch. Therefore, in any condition, Enalio should not the price its products at a higher price. In fact, in the initial period, it would be good if Enalio can provide some discounts on its products. In the first two years, the objective of the company is to increase market penetration. The pricing strategy is the powerful tool to increase the market penetration. Moreover, the pricing strategy is the best way to increase the share of customer wallet. It is recommended that the prices of Enalio should be less than or equal to the prices of competitors and at the same time, the company should explore the option of discount pricing. Distribution Strategy The distribution strategy would be a key for Enalio to reach out to customers. It is recommended that the company should use both traditional and contemporary distribution channel. The traditional distribution channel would include the sale on retail stores and the contemporary distribution channel would include the sale on online channel. This era is marked with e-commerce and Internet channels. Therefore, it would be correct to say that the focus of the company should be on e-commerce channels (Beer, 2012). It is recommended that Enalio should have tie-ups with established e-commerce players in the market. The company can tie up with e-bay and Amazon. It would help the brand to optimize its cost of operations and distribution (Aaker, 2013). Moreover, the e commerce channel is the fastest way to reach out to customers. In addition to the e-commerce channels, the company should also partnership with physical retailers in the UK market. The focus of the company should be to increase t he shelf life in the UK retailers. It would be correct to say that the distribution channel would be a key for Enalio to optimize its cost as it takes a lot of money to establish the distribution channel in a country. The company would use the Export-Import method to make its products available in the UK retail stores. References Aaker, D. (2013). Find the shared interest: A route to community activation and brand building.Journal of Brand Strategy,2(2), 134-145. De Beer, M. J. (2015).The role of design thinking in brand strategy(Doctoral dissertation, Cape Peninsula University of Technology). Holland, J., Weathers, J. (2013). Aligning a company's people strategy with its business strategy and brand strategy.Journal of Brand Strategy,2(3), 245-258. Matanda, T., Ewing, M. T. (2012). The process of global brand strategy development and regional implementation.International Journal of Research in Marketing,29(1), 5-12.