Friday, June 5, 2020

The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well How to Spot a Fishy Scam

The Art of Knowing Where to Buy Papers Written Well: How to Spot a Fishy Scam Deciding to buy a model paper is an easy decision. The next step is deciding where to buy an academic paper. It would be a shame to waste your money on low quality writing that doesn’t meet your requirements, or the worst, a paper that contains plagiarism.   It is important to be vigilant and steer clear of fishy companies that promise the moon, but may not deliver what they say they will.   So, how can you spot a scam when deciding where to buy your paper? Here are some telltale signs: Sloppy Design and/or Errors in the Web Page A company website represents that company to the world and should be free of grammar errors, bad design and other unprofessional elements. If you see any of these when surfing the site intending to purchase a paper, beware. Consider the website quality as an accurate representation of the paper they will deliver and order accordingly.   Lack of Supervisor to Oversee the Writing Process You should investigate the structure of the writing company where you plan to buy your academic paper. Is it a one man show, or is there a team in place to offer support continually? If you should receive a paper that is unsatisfactory, do you have a means to escalate the issue to a supervisor if necessary? Companies that work in teams or beneficial to clients because they can offer more support and since they are accountable to each other, they are more likely to resolve any issues that arise. Payment Upfront This one should be seen as a red flag because you are initiating a relationship with an online company you have not built trust yet. If they ask you to pay up front, how can you be sure they will actually deliver the paper, or mediate any problems or revisions you need? Reputable writing companies will not ask for payment in advance or any other personal information, so be cautious. Poor Grammar and Incorrect or Odd Usage of English Take the time to skim sample papers and all website copy to pick up on poor grammar and odd/incorrect usage of English. If the company doesn’t bother to insure their own public facing website is perfect, you can bet they won ´t put that effort into your paper. Negative Reviews This tip is key. Research the writing company and try to read reviews from previous customers. Be sure to take note of the reviews and see if there are any odd patterns, such as all the reviews say the same thing, or the reviews are vague, or poorly written. This may be an indication the reviews are fake or were paid. Look for specific, detailed reviews of the company that give you assurance of the quality the company provides. If not, move on to another company. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in a weird way this applies when deciding where to buy your academic essay. Take the small amount of time before hand to insure good results and avoid spending time later fixing a mess.

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