Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Gluten and Casein Diet for Children with Autism Essay Example For Students

Gluten and Casein Diet for Children with Autism Essay My daughter is ten years old when she was eight we found out about the gluten and casein diet. We were not told by professionals that we had seen in the past. We started when she was sixteen months old and she was not developing normally. I went to a conference and the doctor talked about the diet and having your children tested. I had her tested and she was high in gluten and casein and is on the diet. It has made a big difference in her life. Even though she still has autism she is very much improved. She can do her school work. She can concentrate. Her reading comprehension went from zero to third grade. She is asking questions about life and things that have been around forever that she never noticed. She hadnt noticed there was traffic on the other side of the road. She says she can see everything better. She also said that she could go into another world and she hasnt been there in a long time. She can express herself. She needs improvements in social skills but she is now willing to talk to other people and not just walk through them. She is able to make friends. Eventually I believe she will make more sense out of life. Dr. Bernard Rimland from the Autism Institute has been working on this for 25 years and also Dr. Robert Cade in Gainesville, Fl. They have seen success in many children. The children need to be tested to see if there gluten and casein is high. Please help get the word out many physicians are not. They say there is not enough scientific backing. If we wait our children will miss out on many opportunites that could help them in life. I wish I had known earlier maybe my daughter would have less learning disabilities. Sincerely Nancy Kennedy .

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