Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Effect Of Violent Behavior - 1216 Words

Everybody knows the effects of violence. The effects of violent behavior are generally bad. The causes are something very little known. Most people say that violent video games and television shows are the source of violence in our society but they are not the only source. There are many theories that try to explain what those causes are. Theories include, biological, macrosocial, and psychosocial. Albert Reis and Jeffrey Roth identify two levels of explanation including the individual, microsocial and macrosocial levels. Theories at the individual and macrosocial levels seek to understand why some individuals or groups engage in violent crime more than others do (Reis and Roth). Biological theories hold that the biological makeup of a†¦show more content†¦Elias’s theory is important because it accounts for historical changes in violence rates in America. While there are many theories that attempt to understand the causes of violence, a psychological factor can come i nto play. Experiencing violence can cause victims to become violent themselves and continue this cycle into adulthood by becoming perpetrators or victims of violent behaviors. Children learn very early about right and wrong. The exposure to violence at a young age can have an effect on a person’s development and behavior as an adult. Children who witness violence often are more aggressive. Those rejected by their parents are more likely to experience PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and problems with social information processing, which can lead to violence toward their intimate partners. A violent upbringing and a lack of early positive experiences, increases a child’s tendency to become violent in the future. If they grow up in violence, children and young adults often learn that violence is an acceptable way of dealing with conflict. Some learn to expect maltreatment from others because they grew up thinking that was supposed to happen. If children do not have something positive in their lives, they will turn to violence in adulthood, are more likely to become depressed, and have feelings of hopelessness. Video games and television can contribute to violent behavior and aggression but they are not always violent or

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